thanks everybody for our discussion tonight!
these are the insparations that I noted down that I want to look into: Dr Amanda Williamson on self and co-regulation in Somatic movement therapies Les Todres, Embodied Enquiry Celeste Snowber, Embodied Inquiry Sondra Fraleigh, Back to the Dance Itself - phenomenological perspectives Karen Barbour, Dancing Across the Page Barbour also writes about ‘somatophobia’ the western fear of bodily knowing Akinleye & Kindred, ‘In the between-ness: decolonizing and re-inhabiting our dancing - we discuss here the limits of language for expression of lived felt experiences Valerie Preston-Dunlop and Susan Leigh Foster talk a lot about dance as a ‘language’ - very contested area of debate Margaret Whitehead - Physical Literacy Pedagogy of the Oppressed , Paulo Friere here is another root of "Somatic Studies"
In germany in the 19th centuary there was a movement amongst psychatric medical doctors that called themselfs "Somatiker" (in opposition to the "psychikern") that believed that all mental illnesses had a physical root, more precise: are rooted in the brain. Considering the newest brain research about trauma, and the effect that trauma has on the brain which leads to physical and mental illnesses these are really interesting roots: "In the middle of the century, a "somatic reaction" (somatiker) formed against the speculative doctrines of mentalism, and it was based on neuroanatomy and neuropathology." in my inquiry I found today the philosopher and sociologist Helmut Plessner.
His thinking could be a theoretical base for the somatic practices: "His masterwork of Philosophical Anthropology is "Levels of Organic Life and the Human", which argues that the humans are 'naturally artificial beings' within living nature and attempts revocation of mind-body dualism." "the formal qualities that make up our consciousness a priori — given as the conditions through which we experience things — conditions such as time, space, causality and number, and, indeed, the laws of physics, however we may then conceptualize them, are given to us both in our own physical nature, and in the physical nature of the environments we inhabit, through our growth from and interactions within these environments. " I am still reading and stay inspired by Ernst von Glasersfeld Book: "Radical Constructivism"
I found video series on youtube about lectures Glaserfeld did at the university of innsbruck. it is always good to see how a thinker moves and speaks, it is like getting also the somatic information of the persons philosophy. other books that I found for my research:
while teaching todays SOMATIC MOVEMENT online class I realised that I have to think my talking and writing and advertising NOT from the capitalistic thinking of selling, but from describing somatics and my work as a healthy research in ones own life. And life is changing and developing all the time, that is why I cant and dont want to produce a product that I can multiply in an industrial way. I can offer real human connection, individual communication, care and solidarity, possibilties for learning and development
I should say and write and organise my website around that and make clear that also my website is in creative changing all the time as is life. finally I have time to follow my interest in reading.
So what i found yesterday was:
In this blog I will try to keep track from now on everything that I consider inquiry and learning to be used maybe in my MAPP research project: