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Somatic Movement & Dance Education
Becoming a Teacher:
This training offers profound experience to discover the beneficial aspects of Somatic Movement & Healing Dance for your movement, for yourself and for others. It provides you with the necessary tools to guide groups towards healthful and beneficial development. The training is tought in the Method „Physio-Mentale Entwicklung“, which combines somatic work with dance, counseling and buddhist psychology. ( The dance of inner wisdom: Through movement, breath, mindful sensing and touch, Somatic Movement helps you to access a wisdom that is always within you, but most oft he time unconscious.The natural intelligence and flow that comes from deep within as your body moves can be a metaphor for how you dance and act in the world. Mindful Sensing: Mindfullness opens a door to develop yourself and your dance.Kind and mindful sensing of your body and the forces, that act on the body is a tool to re-coordinate your movement patterns and to gain awareness of thoughts and emotions living in your body. Somatic Dialogue: Practicing a deep listening to your body and engaging in an intelligent dialogue between body and mind promotes a profound holistic self-development and facilitates liberation from cognitive preconceptions. Improvement of your dance: Somatic movement strongly enhances your alignment, coordination and ability to express yourself, which benefits any dance-technique, and allows for a fully embodied dance. Healing Power for a happier life: Somatic Movement embraces you as a whole being. This impacts not only your dance and movement in a beneficial manner, but also your thoughts and feelings. Holistic healing and development can occur, transforming the whole body-mind continuum towards a happier life. This intense training is experiential, practical and theoretical and offers a unique learning opportunity for motivated and experienced individuals. |